To answer this question, let us remember at Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar ra, about three people trapped in the cave and then they call the good has ever done, so it opens the stone covering the entrance to the cave. This hadith found in Saheeh Muslim No.4926.
From the Messenger of Allah., He said: When three young men were walking, suddenly the rain descended, and they were sheltering in a cave located in the belly of the mountain. Suddenly a boulder fell from the top of the mountain over the mouth of the cave that eventually locked them. Then some of them said to the others: Remember the good deeds you've ever done for God, and ask Him to the charity of God is that God was pleased to move the boulder.
One of them prayed: O Allah, indeed before I had two parents who have advanced age, a wife and several small children in which I was the one who kept them. After I impound animals flock, I immediately start milking them and with my parents prior to me Drinks before my children. One day I was too far to find wood (fuel) so it can not be returned except in the afternoon when I met my parents already soundly asleep. I was soon to milk as usual and bring the milk cow. I stood at the head of my parents because they do not want to wake them from sleep but I did not want my children to drink before they both were screaming when they starve under my feet. And that's how I was doing with them until dawn. If you know that I do expect it to thy good pleasure, then open the little gap to us so we can see the sky. Then God created a gap so they can see the sky.
The other then said: O Allah, I never had a brother before a daughter who is my beloved uncle, as his love of a man against a woman. I ask her to surrender herself, but she refused unless I gave her a hundred dinars. So I struggled until I collect hundred dinars which I promptly gave her. When I was in between her legs (crotch) she said: O slave of Allah, fear Allah and do not do intercourse except with the prior valid marriage. Immediately I was moved to leave. If you know that I do that for seeking the pleasure of you, then create a gap again for us. Then Allah shall make a gap for them.
Others prayed: O Allah, I never hire a worker with a wage of sixteen retail rice. When he had finished his work, he said: Give me my wages! Then I was handed his wages which amounted to sixteen retail rice but he refused. Then I continued to plant rice so I can collect some cows following the herdsmen of the rice. One day he came back to me and said: Fear God and do not take my rights! I replied: Go to the cows following herdsmen and take it all! He said: Fear God and do not mock me! I also said again to him: Behold, I am not making fun of you, take the cows following herdsmen! Then he picked it up and taken away. If you know that I do expect it to thy good pleasure, then open to us a little gap left. God finally opened the remaining stone.
Conclusion of this story :
Fasting is good deed and we may ask Allah by saying good things we've ever done. So, a lot of praying while fasting and while breaking the fast. May Allah grant our desires and may we get a good job.
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