
Prophet David Fast/Saum Dawud/Shaum Dawud/Puasa Nabi Daud/Fasting Of Prophet David is dedicated to give right understanding about the Fasting of Prophet David based on Islam point of view and also the positive and negative impacts in daily life for people who observe it.

About The Writer:

Menchana ibnu Tanjung ( aka : Zenmawon/Abdillah Sachanka ) is an observer of the Fasting of Prophet David. Based in a small village Klayan, Indonesia. Started the fasting of Prophet David in 2003 up to now, making some researches about the Fasting of Prophet David. He writes some articles, books and blogs about Fasting, Self-Confidence Developement, Motivation, Spirituality, Mental Health, Self Development, Kupas Tuntas Puasa Daud, Majelis Puasa Daud, Manfaat Puasa Daud, Group Puasa Daud on Facebook and plans to build "Fasting Dawud Cottage/Pondok Puasa Daud " (Fasting Center).

Address :
Desa Klayan, Gang Jagasatru No. 58 A. Kecamatan Sunan Gunung Jati. Kode Pos 45151. Cirebon, Jawa Barat. Indonesia.

21 Maret 2012, Blog Name changed from Saum Dawud become Puasa Daud.

Fast then you will be healthy. (Narrated by Tabaraani)

Note :

In 2008, when the writer started to socialize the Fasting of Prophet David on the web, thanks to Google, we used some of Google Services : Google Search Engine, Google Chrome, Google Translate, Gmail, Domain and Hosting on Blogger Blogspot, Picasa, Google Site, Google Docs, Google Friends Connect, and many more, so the knowledge about Fasting of Prophet David spread to all around the world.